Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ways to Stop Snoring

Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound, due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. In some cases the sound may be soft, but in other cases, it can be loud and unpleasant. Snoring during sleep may be a sign, or first alarm, of obstructive sleep.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

How to Cure Eyesight | Weak Eyesight Treatment

What is Weak Eyesight:

Eyesight is one of the gifts given from birth and is playing a very important role for the maintenance of life of every individual. If not taken care very well, eye vision might be declined as the age of a person increases.


Eyeglasses and contact lenses are very popular solution for those who have eyesight problems. But did you know there are actually ways on how you can improve your vision without glasses or contact lenses? Sounds too good to be true but it actually exists.


Symptoms of Eyesight Problems:

Weak eyesight symptoms are concerned the most common symptom of weak eyesight is headaches which will mostly occur when you watch television or do any other activity related to eyes.

Its vital symptoms have been following:

1. Seeing misty or low from eyes

2. Short steer as good as Long sight

3. To see a objects of prolonged stretch though not equates to to see
4. The objects of prolonged distance

5. Burning in eyes

6. Watering of eyes

7. Heaviness of conduct during study

8. Persistent Common Cold


Causes of Poor Eyesight:

Multiple causes contribute in forming eye disorders. Closely watching of TV for long period of time, weakness of brain, digestive disorders and vitamin A deficiency due to malnutrition are some among the important causes leading way to the formation of weak eyesight troubles.


Home Remedies for Weak Eyesight:

* Green shaggy vegetables such as spinach, coriander as good as colocasia additionally reason vitamin A. Among non-vegetarian foods, fish, liver as good as eggs have vitamin A. Dairy products additionally have a satisfactory volume of vitamin A in them.

* If you want to have a better eyesight then it is advisable to take lettuce leaf in your diet. Even the juice of lettuce leaf is also very much effective in improving your eyesight.

* For people with diseased eyesight, receiving a multiple of a juices of tender parsley as good as carrots in a glassful volume every day will yield good benefits.

* In order to improve your eyesight, you can also take small amount of raisins or peanuts in your daily diet.

* Immerse almonds in divert as good as keep them overnight. In a morning, mix this divert with sandalwood. Relate this upon a eyelids. This reduces redness of a eyes due to exertion.

* You can take herbal eyesight supplements such as I-Lite capsules to cure weak eyesight naturally and effectively.

* Inhaling a odors of sesame churned in sugarine revoke a extreme wateriness of a eyes.

* Take dual tiny pieces of cardamom. Grind them as good as disintegrate a powder in milk. Simmer a divert as good as splash it during night. This creates a eyes healthier.

* Some herbs are also very much effective in improving your eyesight. You must take the herbs like turmeric, oregano and parsley. These herbs are extremely effective and much beneficial for improving your eyesight.

* Going for expensive equipment and method does not necessarily mean it is the best option to treat vision problems. You might just be surprised at how effective natural methods are compared to the traditional options.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

How to Cure Bruises | Bruise Treatment

What is Bruises:

A bruise is a common skin injury that results in breakage of blood vessels under the skin. Blood from damaged blood vessels beneath the skin collects near the surface of the skin resulting in what we recognize as a black and blue mark. A bruise is also known as a contusion or a hematoma.


A bruise can sometimes be associated with a temporary raised area in the skin. When a bruise fades, it becomes green and brown as the body metabolizes the blood cells and bilirubin pigment in the skin. A bruise is best treated with local application of a cold pack immediately after injury.

What Causes Bruising:

Bruises can occur in some people who exercise rigorously, such as athletes and weight lifters. These bruises result from microscopic tears in blood vessels under the skin. Certain illnesses and diseases can cause bruising.

Symptoms Bruising:

The main symptoms are pain, swelling, and skin discoloration. The bruise begins as a pinkish red color that can be very tender to touch. It is often difficult to use the muscle that has been bruised. For example, a deep thigh bruise is painful when you walk or run.


Remedies for Bruises:

* Apply and rub in apple cider vinegar (preferably organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar) to the bruised area.

* Applying black pepper oil to the bruise will also draw the blood away from it.

* As soon as you get injured, apply Star Olive Oil to the sensitive spot. For minor bumps, it can help prevent a bruise from appearing.

* Make a compress and soak it in vinegar to alleviate the bruise and swelling. Avoid getting it in the eyes.

* Apply butter (not margarine!) immediately after getting bruised.

* Make a poultice of roasted onions and apply to the bruise.

* If your bruise has a ruptured blood vessel, apply Orajel. The numbing agent in it will reduce discoloration and also constrict the blood vessels back to normal.

* Macerate and heat some cabbage and apply to the affected area.

* Make a poultice of mustard and apply to the bruise. It will draw the blood away from the bruise.

* Apply a cream or a tincture of calendula to the bruise.

* Rub a cream with vitamin K on the bruise twice a day. Vitamin K will aid your body in breaking down blood and reabsorbing it.

* A tincture of witch hazel will relieve swelling and bruises. Apply as a cool compress.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to Cure Nail Fungus | Nail Fungus Treatment

What is Nail Fungus:

Nail fungus is a fungal infection in one or more of your nails. An infection with nail fungus may begin as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. A nail fungus infection is also called onychomycosis.

nail fungus

The nail fungus moves in under the nail. The nail provides a safe place for the fungus and protects it while it grows. That’s why it’ s so hard to reach and stop nail fungus.

What Causes Nail Fungus:

In normal, healthy people, fungal nails are most commonly caused by fungus that is caught from moist, wet areas. Communal showers, such as those at a gym, or swimming pools are common sources.

nail fungus

Nail Fungus Symptoms:

* Brittleness
* Change in nail shape
* Crumbling of the outside edges of the nail
* Debris trapped under the nail
* Loosening or lifting up of the nail
* Loss of luster and shine
* Thickening of the nail
* White or yellow streaks on the side of the nail

You may feel pain in your toes or fingertips and detect a slightly foul odor.

nail fungus

Nail Fungus Remedies:

* Standard treatment for nail fungus using Listerine is to soak the affected area in Listerine for 10 minutes every night until the affected area clears.

* Tea tree oil is a potent natural antiseptic and fungicide that will help fight your fungus. Apply undiluted tea tree oil with olive oil to the affected nail. Alternatively you can put few drops of tea tree oil on nails and rub it thoroughly every day.

* Apply Vicks Vaporub to the affected nails every day one or two times, and then within a week or so you will see the fungus disappear. Each person will see different results and it may take up to three months to work, but most of the time it shows results within a week or two.

* Soak your nails for 15 to 20 minutes in basin full of warm water and natural apple cider vinegar mixed in equal proportion. When done, dry your nails thoroughly. Use a hair dryer on warm setting to absorb all the moisture in and around the toes or hands. Apple cider vinegar is a mild acid and prevents nail fungus from spreading.

* Apply Vitamin E oil to affected nails once or twice daily. With this treatment it takes awhile to show progress. As the nail grows out it will grow healthy and fungus free.

nail fungus

* Put equal amount of tea tree oil and lavender oil on a cotton ball or swab. Dab it under the top edge of the nail and surrounding area 2 or 3 times a day.

* Use equal amounts of vinegar and water and soak your hands in it for about half an hour one or two time a day. After about a week you will notice that the fungus is leaving.

* Refrain from using nail polish while you are trying to treat a fungus infection as it can block topical medications from acting properly on the infection.

* Blend 2 drops of Oregano essential oil with a tsp of olive oil. Apply this mixture on the affected area daily for not more than three weeks. Oregano essential oil has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti fungal properties.

* Do not share combs, hair brushes, nail clippers and scissors with other people, even family members. It’s very easy to spread the fungus in this way.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Stiff Neck Treatment | Stiff Neck Cure

What is Stiff Neck:

A stiff neck is typically characterized by soreness and difficulty moving the neck specially when trying to turn the head to the side. A stiff neck may also be accompanied by a headache, shoulder pain and/or arm pain. If you have a stiff neck, you may find that you need to turn your entire body in order to look to the side or behind you because of the discomfort. A stiff neck is a common condition, and most people will experience it at some point in their lives.

stiff neck

The neck consists of variety of structures, including the cervical spine, spinal cord, cervical discs, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and spinal nerves.

Stiff Neck Symptoms:

Symptoms that may occur with a stiff neck include:

• Difficulty turning your head


• Irritability

Pain down your shoulders or arms

• Sleep disturbances

stiff neck

What Causes Stiff Neck:

The most common causes for developing this kind of stiff neck are;

* Turning the head to one side while typing.
* Long phone calls without a headset.
* Sleeping without proper pillow support with the neck tilted or rotated.
* Sitting in a chair with armrests too high.
* Exposure of the neck to a cold draft.

stiff neck

Stiff Neck Remedies:

* Place a hot water bag on the stiff neck once every hour until the stiffness lessens or disappears.

* Make a paste by combining one teaspoon of lime powder and one teaspoon of honey and apply in the affected area.

* Put a salt in a piece of cloth and tie the piece of cloth around your neck. The salt must be in neck area.

* Warm the outer leaves of a cabbage in hot water and bandage around the sprain using a piece of cloth to hold in place.

* Get your neck and shoulder area massaged by your partner or by a qualified massage therapist.

* Take painkillers as a short term relief from neck pain. Make sure to ask your doctor about side effects.

* Apply topically, massage evenly in affected area.

stiff neck

* Go in for chiropractic treatment on the advice of a doctor.

* Reduce inflammation by applying cold, such as an ice pack or ice wrapped in a towel, for up to 20 minutes several times a day. Alternate the cold treatment with heat.

* When sleeping, position the head on a firm mattress with a specially designed neck pillow.

* Eat raw pineapple, its helps in reducing the pain and swelling.

* Put one half teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water twice a day.

* OTC ointments can help reducing pain, use as directed.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Treatment For Dog Bite

What is Dog Bite:

When an animal scratches or bites braking the skin, a number of problems can arise, the most important is infection cause by the animal's saliva. Dog bites may also result in the victim suffering from various diseases as a dog's mouth can contain many germs. Treatment therefore depends on the severity of the bite, however, it must be noted that even a mild dog bite can lead to serious infection if the wound is not cleansed properly.

dog bite

Dog Bite Symptoms:

The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Dog bite includes the 3 symptoms listed below:

• Teeth marks
• Wound
• Bleeding
Symptoms of an infection may include a fever, swelling, increased pain and sensitivity of the affected area and redness around the bite.

dog bite

Home Remedies for Dog Bites:

1. Wash the dog bite thoroughly with warm water and soap for more then 5 minutes to remove the saliva rinse with cold water and place a gauze on it.

2. Take Vitamin C it helps fight infection.

3. It is suggested that garlic can act as a natural antibiotic. This can help in treating dog bite. You might consider taking few cloves of garlic three times daily till your wound is healed.

4. It is suggested that burdock can help in neutralizing and eliminating the poison of dog bite from the body. You can take 10-25 drops of burdock tincture in tea or in water, 3-4 times every day to treat dog bite.

5. If the bite is big, see a doctor it may be necessary to be stitched.

dog bite

6. It is suggested that walnut can help in neutralizing the poison of dog bite. For this, you may grind in equal proportions walnut, salt and onion and can add honey in it. You may want to dress the wound with this mixture.

7. Take vitamin B it helps to produce antibodies. (See below for the vitamin we recommend).

8. Golden seal tea the first day is very good for dog bites. Do not use this if you are pregnant.

9. It is said that cumin seeds can counter the toxic effects of the bite. For this, you may grind about two teaspoons of cumin seeds and 20 black pepper corns with water. You may apply the mixture on the dog bite wound.

10. Take Echinacea in tea form.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to Stop Nose Bleed | Nose Bleed Treatment

What is Nose Bleed:

Nosebleeds can be dramatic and frightening. Fortunately, most nosebleeds are not serious and usually can be managed at home, although sometimes medical intervention may be necessary. During a nosebleed, blood flows from one nostril, or sometimes both nostrils. It can be heavy or light and last from a few seconds to more than 10 minutes.

Nose Bleed Symptoms:

Nosebleed symptoms are easily recognizable: blood coming out of your nose, or from your nose down the back of your throat.

Nose Bleed Causes:

The following factors predispose people to nosebleeds:

* Infection

* Trauma, including self induced by nose picking, especially in children

* Allergic and non allergic rhinitis

* Hypertension (high blood pressure)

* Use of blood thinning medications

* Alcohol abuse

* Less common causes include tumors and inherited bleeding problems

* Very cold or very dry air

Nose Bleed Remedies:

* Calmly sit down in an upright position, not back in the chair. This will help to keep blood from going down the back of your throat. Breathe through your mouth.

* Put a drop or two of lemon juice in the nostril that is bleeding. This is an effective way to stop nose bleed.

* An ice pack or cold compress on the back of the neck is another remedy. Pressure on the back of the neck restricts flow of blood to the head.

* Press your finger between your lip and gum, pressing upward against the nose.

* Saline water serves as a good natural remedy for treating nose bleed. For this, put a pinch of salt in half a glass of water and spray it inside the nose.

* Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the bleeding nose. It helps the blood to congeal and will bring the bleeding to a stop.

* Apply an ice pack on the exterior of the nose. This is an easy and effective way to cure nose bleeding.

* Placing a wet towel on the head has been found to be beneficial in curing nose bleeding.

* When nosebleed occurs, you need to make sure that the surroundings are not dry. Humidify the air with a good air humidifier. This would prevent the nose from working exceedingly hard, thereby preventing bleeding.

* In a pint of water, add a tsp of golden seal. Put the solution in a pan and place it on flame. Once the first boil comes, turn off the flame and let the decoction settle down. When it gets cool, snuff some into the nostrils. Repeat this a few times a day.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Abscess Treatment | Abscess Cure

What is an Abscess:

An abscess is a local accumulation of pus. Pus is a thick fluid that usually contains white blood cells, dead tissue and bacteria (germs). It can occur almost anywhere on or in the body, but it most frequently occurs on the skin and on the gums of the mouth. Abscesses can be very tender and painful and are marked by inflammation, swelling, heat, redness, and often fever.


An abscess occurs when the body tries to fight an infection within the tissues of the body, sending white blood cells to fight further infection. The blood cells collect around the site of infection, accumulating to form pus. Abscesses frequently form on the skin, the most commonly known type is a boil. Inside the body, abscesses can be much more serious, causing damage to tissues and organs.

Abscess Symptoms:

The symptoms of an abscess depend on where it develops in your body.

If you have a skin abscess, you may have the following symptoms.

• A smooth swelling under your skin that can feel hard or firm
• Tenderness in the affected area
Pain, warmth and redness (erythema) in the affected area
• An open wound or closed sore
Pus in the affected area that appears white or yellow or may drain from the affected area
• A high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or above
• Chills


Abscess Causes:

Abscesses may be caused by many different bacteria, fungi, or protozoans, which are kinds of disease causing microbes. Abscesses result from infections that are or become localized or confined to one part of the body, as opposed to infections that spread throughout the body.


Abscess Remedies:

* Drink adequate quantity of water so that the bad toxins can be removed properly and there will be proper healing of abscess.

* If you have an abscess, there are some very effective basic steps you can take to treat it with home remedies.

* Take a slice of peeled potato(about 1 in. thick) and place it over the abscess or boil and secure it there with tape. Leave it on there for a couple hours and it will pull the poison out. You can see the poisons on the potato.

* Apply antibiotic ointment once the pus has drained, and bandage the abscess. Bacitracin ointment is commonly used as a home remedy and works well to treat lanced abscesses.

* Eat plenty of steamed leafy green vegetables to ensure that you are taking proper quantity of vitamins and minerals needed for healing.

* Apply a cloth soaked in one part lobelia and three parts mullein in warm water to bring the affected area to a head. Puncture lightly with a sterilized needle, and wash gently. Garlic oil will help defend against infection. Apply vitamin E oil twice a day to speed the healing process.

* Use heat, the number one home remedy to treat abscesses, to bring the abscess to a head. Place a clean, warm face cloth over the boil for 20 minutes at least three times a day. Rotate face cloths to maintain consistent heat. Warm compresses will bring the abscess to a head.

* 3o drop echinacea tincture 6o drop.a yerba mania tincture 1 cup warm water. Combine all the ingredients. Take up to five times per day to stimulate the immune system and help eliminate the infection.

* 1 to 2 teaspoons barberries 1 tablespoon white oak bark 1 teaspoon echinacea root 1 teaspoon granulated Oregon grape root 2 cups boiling water. Combine the herbs in a glass container. Pour the boiling water over the herbs and soak for 3 to 4 hours; strain. Use three times a day as a wash. If you are using this tea to treat a gum abscess, be sure to swish the liquid around in your mouth for several minutes before spitting it out.

* Thick slices of raw onion can be placed on the boil and covered with a cloth. The onion should be replaced every three hours until the abscess comes to a head and bursts,

* Avoid all fried foods and all the food stuffs which contain refined sugar as these slow down healing process.

* Keeping the skin clean, eating a proper diet, and getting regular exercise can also help treat and prevent skin abscesses. Each of these actions helps keep the immune system strong, improving its ability to fend off infections or illnesses that may lead to skin abscesses.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Treatment for Gas | Gas Relief

What is Gas:

Gas is often a symptom of indigestion and can develop when we eat too fast or too much. It can also occur because of allergies or enzyme deficiencies, and is a sign that our bodies are not breaking down the foods that we eat. For example, those people whose bodies do not make the enzyme lactase can't adequately digest the sugars in dairy products. The milk sugars in these products then ferment in the colon, causing gas. High fiber foods can also cause gas, as can beans and cabbage.


Gas is made primarily of odorless vapors carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sometimes methane. The unpleasant odor of flatulence, the gas that passes through the rectum, comes from bacteria in the large intestine that release small amounts of gases containing sulfur.


Gas Symptoms:

For most people, the signs and symptoms of gas and gas pain are all too obvious. They include:

* The voluntary or involuntary passing of gas, either as belches or as flatus.

* Sharp, jabbing pains or cramps in your abdomen. These pains may occur anywhere in your abdomen and can change locations quickly.

* A "knotted" feeling in your abdomen.

* Swelling and tightness in your abdomen (bloating).

Causes of Gas:

Each food affects everyone differently, but here are some that commonly cause flatulence and burping.

* Milk and dairy products
* Apricots, raw apples, and bananas
* Beans
* Onions
* Cabbage
* Carrots, celery, corn, and peas
* Wheat
* Pasta
* Potatoes
In general, foods with natural sugars, high fiber foods, and starchy foods are all likely to cause gas.

Home Remedies for Gas:

It is important to learn some basic home remedies for it, so you would know how to deal with it.

1. Always chew your food properly and avoid eating in a hurry. Food takes time to be digested.

2. Eat some crackers to calm down your stomach before taking a big meal.

3. Drinking ginger tea and eating fresh ginger root are two of the best remedies for gas.

4. Try adding more of this spice to your meals, particularly if they are the foods that are known to cause gas. Caraway seeds help ease gas, indigestion and cramping, all while stimulating proper digestion.

5. One of the most effective remedies for gas in stomach is by slowly drinking very cold milk to allow it to slowly take its soothing effects to the stomach.

6. Adding more fresh parsley to your diet is another great remedy for gas. Either freshly minced or as a dried spice, add parsley to foods that may contribute to intestinal gas to help prevent it from becoming a problem.

7. You can also chew on some mint leaves to get quick relief from gas, or if you want to drink it, boil the mint leaves in the water to make it into a mint tea.

8. Eating banana also helps for better digestion of food to lessen gas in the stomach.

9. After eating a full meal and you feel some gas, you can drink soda pop to help you burp and reduce gas.

10. You can also use cinnamon by using some and stirring about ½ teaspoon of it in boiled water to make cinnamon tea, it will soothe your stomach.

12. Don’t forget to exercise since this would help in overall good health. Try to avoid stress and anxiety since these are also causes of gas in stomach.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

How to Treat Bladder Infection | Bladder Infection Cure

What is Bladder Infection:

A bladder infection or urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that affects any part of the urinary tract. When bacteria get into the bladder and multiply in the urine, it causes a UTI.


Bladder infections are known as cystitis or inflammation of the bladder. They are common in women but very rare in men. More than half of all women get at least one bladder infection at some time in their lives. However, a man's chance of getting cystitis increases as he ages due to in part to an increase in prostate size.

Bladder Infection Symptoms:

Symptoms of bladder infections may include:

* A burning sensation when urinating. This is the most common sign of a bladder infection.
* Frequent urge to urinate.
* Passing only small amounts of urine at a time despite the urge to urinate.
* Urine that is cloudy or bloody with a strong, foul odor.
* Pressure or cramping in the lower abdomen (usually middle) or back.
* A fever or chills may mean the infection has gone into the kidneys.
* Strong need to urinate often, even right after the bladder has been emptied.


What Causes a Bladder Infection:

The most common cause of bladder infections is infection by bacteria which have spread from the rectal area into the urethra. Approximately 80% of bladder infections are caused by Escherichia coli (E.coli). Other bacteria that may also cause bladder infection include Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Proteus species.


Home Remedies for Bladder Infection:

* For two weeks drink about half a cup lemon juice in the morning. This is good for clearing bladder infection.

* Cranberry juice has been used for more than a century as a home remedy to prevent and treat urinary tract infection.

* For treating this infection mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. Mix well to drink for quick recovery.

* Drink four ounces of wolfberry juice (Ningxia Red) followed by four ounces of water.

* Eat fruits and vegetables which contain sulfur like asparagus, spinach, cashews/almonds, Rhubarb and for acid eat cranberries, lemons, and blueberries.

* Add a drop of the blend Thieves to a glass of water and drink several times a day.

* You can also consume a teaspoon of pure garlic juice which is very efficient in killing the bacteria responsible for bladder infection.

* Mix one teaspoon olive oil and one teaspoon garlic juice in a glass of warm water. Drink thrice a day, before meals.

* Antiseptic herbs such as Fleabane, Pipsissewa, Smartweed, Elecampane, Wild alum root, Golden seal, Myrrh and Echinea root can be added to diuretic.

* For bladder pain and painful urination apply Comfrey leaf poultice over the bladder. You can have Pepsissewa tea, Hydrangea root or leaf tea, Cornsilk tea, or Buchu leaf tea. Avoid boiling the tea.