Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tips to Stay Looking Young | Ways to Look Younger

We definitely live in a youth obsessed culture because it seems like everyone wants to look younger than their age. If you are one of the lucky ones who was born with youthful genes and you naturally look young, you are very fortunate. Most people have to work at it.


There are some tips and techniques that, if followed religiously, can make you look younger than your age and also much more beautiful. For instance, if you keep fit, exercise on a regular basis and watch your diet, your body will feel as well as look quite young. Let us explore some tips on looking younger than your age.


Tips for Looking Young:

1. Morning Walk

Morning walk is a must to do thing, follow it as your daily routine. Morning walk is one of the most effective to attain good health and for young and fresh skin.

2. Sleep

Sleep is very important for good health and for healthy skin. If you want to attain and retain fresh and soft skin, take 6-8 hours sleep daily. Enough sleep helps to regulate your body’s metabolism and a natural way to remain young.


3. Sunscreen Lotion

Always wear a sunscreen lotion when you go out in the day, to protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. Make sure that you are using a sunscreen with at least 15 SPF.

4. Exercise

Regular exercise is must to have a good health. If you do exercise daily, your body will remain active and function properly.


5. Lipstick Color

Pay attention to the lipstick color. Always avoid bright red and brown shades and stick to neutrals, like beiges and pinks.

6. Olives as Anti Aging Source

Green Olives has natural potential to fight against ageing factors, eat olives daily to look younger.

7. Manicures and Pedicures

Get manicures and pedicures done on a regular basis. Go for a facial sitting at least once in a month.

8. Eat Fruits and vegetables

Intake of Fruits and vegetables are directly related to our skin and health. Having enough amounts of fruits and vegetables in our diet chart will surely result to a fresh and younger skin and a healthy body.

9. Overweight

If you are overweight, try to lose those extra pounds, by sticking to a healthy diet and indulging in exercise. No crash dieting please.

10. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is injurious to health. It harms the skin; according to medical researchers smoking enhances the ageing factor to 45% in smokers in comparison to non smokers. Avoid smoking and stay healthy and young.

11. Drink Enough Water

Take plenty of water to get fresh skin. Water helps to hydrate the skin and removes impurities from the body.

12. Take a Balance Diet

Take a balance diet which contains all the vitamins and minerals, a balanced diet is very important, but most of us hardly plan out our menu with a balanced diet to get a healthier lifestyle.

13. Carrots and Sweet Potatoes

Carrots contain the beta carotene, a natural ingredient that fight against wrinkles and fine lines problems of skin. Take at least one carrot daily in your diet.

14. Think Positive

Your mental health directly affects your physical health. Adopt a positive attitude towards life and think positive, it’s the way to look young and healthy.

15. Yoga

Yoga is one of the best breathing exercise , one of the best of meditation too, try some of the best yoga exercise to get fresh skin and healthy life.

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