Monday, May 30, 2011

How to Cure Vomiting | Vomit Treatment

Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of the contents of one's stomach through the mouth and sometimes the nose. Vomiting is a common symptom of a wide variety of mild to serious diseases, disorders and conditions. It occurs in all age groups and populations and may or may not occur with nausea.


Depending on the cause, vomiting can begin suddenly and disappear quickly, as in the case of alcohol intoxication. Vomiting may also recur over days, weeks or months, such as vomiting due to morning sickness or pancreatitis.


Vomiting Symptom:

* Involuntary expulsion of food from mouth and nose.

* Increased saliva.

* Dizziness.

* Light headedness.

* Difficulty in swallowing food or liquid.

* Changes in skin temperature.

* Increase in heartbeat rate.

* Increased sensitivity to certain smells.

* Changes in the taste of some foods.


Cause of Vomiting:

Conditions that are known to cause vomiting include infection, poisoning, mental health illnesses, malignancy (cancer), inflammation, trauma, obstruction, and other abnormal processes within the digestive system, nervous system, reproductive system, cardiovascular system, or endocrine system.


How to Prevent Vomiting:

1. Sit down or lie in a propped up position. Physical activity will make you feel worse.

2. Spicy food is not good.

3. Have a Popsicle or a similar sweetened ice treat.

4. Do not go to sleep immediately after taking meals.


Remedies for Vomiting | Stop Vomiting:

* Prepare peppermint tea and allow to cool.

* Eat a mixture of honey and powder of 2 roasted cardamoms.

* Have a glass of chilled lime juice.

* Slowly sip a glass of honey water.

* Have one tsp onion juice in regular interval.

* Slowly sip a glass of chilled cola, soft drinks, such as Sprite or 7 Up can also help settle the stomach.

* One can take 1 to 2 tablespoonful of non carbonated syrup.

* Take a piece of lemon and add some rock salt to it.

* Cumin seeds are also good.

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