Monday, August 1, 2011

Obesity Treatment | Cure for Obesity

What is Obesity:

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health. If a person's bodyweight is at least 20% higher than it should be, he or she is considered obese.

Obesity occurs over time when you eat more calories than you use. The balance between calories-in and calories-out differs for each person. Factors that might tip the balance include your genetic makeup, overeating, eating high fat foods and not being physically active.

Types of Obesity:

The fat distribution in the body is identified among the two types of obesity android and gynoid. Android in the male type of obesity where excess fat is marked in the upper half of the body.


Android type of obesity is likened to the shape of an apple. The shoulders, face, arms, neck, chest and upper portion of the abdomen are bloated.


In this type the lower part of the body has the extra flesh. This type of obesity is also common to both sexes though females are more affected. Gynoid type of obesity is similar to pears.

The third type:

Besides android and gynoid, there is one more type of obesity. Some people do not belong to any of the above type of obesity. Their whole body from head to toe looks like a barrel.

Obesity Causes:

* Eating processed or fast food.

* Not eating fruit, vegetables and unrefined carbohydrates.

* Drinking too much alcohol.

* Eating out a lot.

* Eating larger portions than you need.

* Comfort eating.

Obesity Symptoms:

• Breathlessness.

Sweating a lot.


• Difficulty sleeping.

• Inability to cope with sudden physical activity.

• Feeling very tired every day.

• Back and joint pains.



High blood pressure.

High cholesterol.

• Stroke.

Obesity Remedies:

* First thing in the morning have one glass of warm water with juice of half a lime and 1 tsp honey.

* As soon as you wake up in the morning workout for at least 30min to an hour.

* 3 tsps lime juice with 1/2 tsp pepper powder and some honey in 1 cup water. Drink this for 3 - 4 months.

* Drink a glass of boiled water daily after every meal. It will also help you in obesity natural cure.

* Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables and low calorie foods.

* Two teaspoon of lime juice added to water also helps in loosing weight. Have it frequently.

* Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. Have some salads, vegetables with it.

* Eat tomato in the morning and in salad. Make it a regular habit.

* Exercise is an important part of any weight reduction plan. It will burn all your calories.

* Eat three regular meals a day. Don't skip any meal.

Preventing Obesity:

* Avoid high calorie foods like chocolates, ice cream, sweets, butter, heavy refined foods which have high calories.

* Avoid rice and potato, which contain a lot of carbohydrates. Among cereals wheat is good.

* Avoid intake of too much salt as it may be a factor for increasing body weight.

* All kinds of milk products-cheese, butter, and non-vegetarian foods should be avoided as they are rich in fat.

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