Sunday, June 27, 2010

Nasal Allergy Relief | Nasal Allergy Treatment

A nasal allergy is a reaction to a substance that is harmful to the body. Allergens that are spread in the air, such as dust, pollen, smoke, and pet dander can enter the nose and irritate the inner lining, leading to an allergic reaction.

Nasal Allergy

An individual who suffers from a nasal allergy may experience a runny nose, frequent bouts of sneezing, and red eyes. The nose, eyes, and ears often become itchy, and severe reactions can lead to difficulty breathing as the sinuses and throat become inflamed.

Nasal Allergy

Causes of Nasal Allergy:

* Nasal allergies are an exaggerated response of the immune system to usually harmless substances.

* You may inherit a tendency for allergic responses.

* It may take many exposures over a long period of time to develop an allergic response to a particular substance.

* Factors that may contribute to nasal allergies include: exposure to cigarette smoke, being a low birth weight baby, being a bottle fed baby, being born during high pollen seasons.

Nasal Allergy

Nasal Allergy Symptoms:

* Stuffy, congested nose.
* Runny nose.
* Sneezing.
* Itching in the nose, roof of the mouth, ears and/or throat.
* Itchy and/or watery eyes.
* Coughing, caused by mucus running down the back of your throat (post nasal drip).

Nasal Allergy

Home Remedies for Nasal Allergy:

1) Make a solution of boiled minced grape fruit and lemon and add to it some honey, and drink it 2-3 times a day. This helps in curing hay fever.

2) To get relief from nasal congestion boil some chamomile and inhale the fumes.

3) Eat a well balanced diet, include a lot of protein, vitamin B and C, this will help you strengthen your immune system.

4) Ginger and garlic are among the best immunity builder so add them in your daily diet.

5) Green tea with honey and thyme tea with a dosage of not more than 1-2 cups also helps in curing the nasal allergy.

6) Avoid smoking cigarette, perfumes and make your home smoke free.

7) Do not let your pet enter your bedroom.

8) Vegetable juices (made of spinach and cabbage) taken on a daily basis for at least 10 days proves very beneficial.

9) Cover your mattress, pillows etc. with plastic to protect it from dust mites and wash your bed covers, curtains and pillow covers in hot water.

10) Practicing yoga is another natural way of curing it as it involves deep breathing. More people have turned to yoga to cure a variety of illness.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bad Breath Treatments | Bad Breath Remedies

Bad Breath:

Bad breath is breath that has an unpleasant odor. It's also known as halitosis. This odor can occur from time to time, or it can be long lasting, depending on the cause. Bad Breath is usually caused by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria somewhere in the mouth. Bad breath is not contagious, meaning you cannot catch it from someone else. Chronic bad breath, known as Halitosis, does not come from the stomach. The only odor that comes from the stomach is when you burp. Food eaten such as garlic and spicy foods once absorbed into the body can release odor through the lungs when you breathe.

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad Breath Causes:

There are a number of causes of bad breath, foremost among them being bacteria in the mouth, stomach and intestinal disturbances, bowel sluggishness, sinus or throat infections, and tobacco and alcohol use.

Bad Breath

Symptoms Bad Breath:

Some bad breath symptoms sour taste, metallic taste, post nasal drainage, halitosis, film on tongue, tongue film, dry mouth, yellow film.

Bad Breath

Bad Breath Remedies:

* Brush your teeth in the morning, in the evening, and after every meal, specially after consuming milk products, fish and meat.

* Wash the tongue with baking soda dissolved in warm water to reduce the acidity in your mouth making a less friendly environment for the bacteria to grow.

* Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

* Talk to your periodontist about gum and teeth problems that might be the cause of bad breath.

* Rinse your mouth before sleeping with a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon added.

* Drink green tea. And it doesn't hurt to swish it around in your mouth before you swallow it: it will kill the harmful bacteria in your mouth.

* Change your toothbrush every month. Bacteria build up on your brush and you are putting those bad ones back into your mouth every time you brush your teeth.

* Use mouthwash with high chlorophyll content.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fatigue Relief | Fatigue Treatment

Fatigue is a state of awareness. It can describe a range of afflictions, varying from a general state of lethargy to a specific work induced burning sensation within one's muscles. It can be both physical and mental.


Fatigue, also known as weariness, tiredness, exhaustion, or lethargy, is generally defined as a feeling of lack of energy. Fatigue is not the same as drowsiness, but the desire to sleep may accompany fatigue. Apathy is a feeling of indifference that may accompany fatigue or exist independently.


Fatigue Causes:

Lifestyle problems: Feelings of fatigue often have an obvious cause, such as sleep deprivation, overwork or unhealthy habits.

Psychological problems: Fatigue is a common symptom of mental health problems, such as depression and grief, and may be accompanied by other signs and symptoms, including irritability and lack of motivation.

Medical problems: Unrelenting exhaustion may be a sign of an underlying illness, such as a thyroid disorder, heart disease or diabetes.


Fatigue Symptoms:

* Weakness, lack of energy, tiredness, exhaustion

* Passing out or feeling as if you are going to pass out

* Palpitations (feeling your heart beating)

* Dizziness

* Vertigo

* Shortness of breath


Remedies for Fatigue:

* Exercise for at least 30 minutes four days each week.

* Potato with the skin – Slice a potato with the peel and leave it in water overnight. Drink water in the morning.

* Lose weight – A remedy that no one likes to hear about but it is necessary to mention. Obesity is a common cause of fatigue. If you are overweight try to lose a few pounds. Starting a walking routine every day will be very useful.

* Stop smoking.

* Avoid caffeine – Coffee and cola seem to give you momentary energy but then they will bring fatigue.

* Eat between five and six small, healthy meals each day.

* Increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.

* Salt bath – Add 1 kg of salt to the tub water. The water should be warm, preferably cold. Stay there for 10 minutes doing several movements.

* Avoid white flour and sugar – These foods will make you feel tired and weak because they raise the level of blood sugar and drop it abruptly. Eat whole grain cereals and breads, and vegetables instead.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dry Eye Treatment | Dry Eye Relief

Dry Eye Problem:

Dry eyes as the name symbolizes is the condition where the eyes become dry. Due to this dryness of the eyes and reduced lubrication, the eyes start aching, become red, itchy, the vision becomes blurred and there is a feeling of a dust or some foreign body present in the eye.

Dry Eye

The eye depends on the flow of tears to provide constant moisture and lubrication to maintain vision and comfort. Tears are a combination of water, for moisture; oils, for lubrication; mucus, for even spreading; and antibodies and special proteins, for resistance to infection. These components are secreted by special glands located around the eye. When there is an imbalance in this tear system, a person may experience dry eyes.

Dry Eye

Dry Eye Cause:

In addition to an imbalance in the tear flow system of the eye, dry eyes can be caused by situations that dry out the tear film. This can be due to dry air from air conditioning, heat, or other environmental conditions.

Dry Eye

Symptoms of Dry Eye:

Stinging, burning, scratchiness, stringy mucus, and excess irritation from smoke are the usual symptoms.

Dry Eye

Dry Eye Remedy:

* Close your eyes and place a warm, damp wash cloth over your eyes. Keep it on for about 5 to 10 minutes, re-wetting with warm water as needed. This helps open clogged oil glands in the eyes, thus restoring moisture.

* Use water proof eye makeup. This reduces the irritation in the eyes.

* Brew some tea. Put 2 cotton balls into the warm tea and soak them well. When saturated with tea, place a cotton ball on each eyelid. Leave the tea bags on your dry eyes for about 5 minutes.

* Tamarind seeds can be soaked in warm water for some time. The extract from the seeds should be taken to help cure dry eyes.

* Splash water in the eyes at constant intervals when you are at work or home. Your eyes receive some moisture from water.

* Another dry eyes remedy is to turn off any artificial cooling or heating outlets. This is because they reduce the natural moisture and mucus of the eyes.

* Avoid rubbing your eyes. You can irritate your eyes further by rubbing them.

* Wear glasses on windy days and goggles while swimming. The wraparound style of glasses may help reduce the effects of the wind.

* Avoid medicated eye drops.

* If using contact lenses, wear than for lesser hours each day. Consult your physician.