Monday, June 15, 2009

Home Remedies for Blackheads | Blackhead Treatment

Blackheads are very common in young People but many of them do not know what they are.This is not a serious Problem for it leaves no permanent effect.However,taking regular care of the skin can prevent them.
Blackheads are follicles that have wider opening than the usual and are also known as open comedones and are frequently caused by over active sebaceous glands. Blackheads particularly appear on the face, back, chest and other parts that have sebaceous glands. The remains created in are mainly responsible for providing black colour to the blackheads.


The main reason of black heads is the oily skin. The outside conditions are also a main factor which affects the origination of black heads. Lack of hygienic condition may also contributes in worsening the condition.

Home Remedies:

* Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to get rid of blackheads. This works as the super natural home remedy for blackheads.

* A packet made with crushed potatoes packed in thin cloth (poultice) is quite effective in treating black heads.

* Warm honey and apply on the blackheads, wash the face after 10-15 minutes.

* Steaming is also beneficial as it opens and softens the pores for easy removal of blackheads.

* Fenugreek leave commonly known as methi in India are made into paste form by crushing it. It is then applied on face and the left untouched for 20 minutes then wash your face with luke warm water.

* Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on blackhead and dark spots an efficient and easy to made home remedy for blackhead.

* Almond powder mixed with rose water and made into a fine paste. Now this paste is applied on black heads to see the marvelous results in black heads and other skin ailments.

* Mix the paste of tender neem leaves with turmeric and apply on the affected area. This is good blackhead remedy.

* Applications of beated white of egg on face and then wash it with luke warm water. After wards scrub your face dry with a clean towel. It helps in loosening of the black heads.

* Application of undiluted lemon juice 2-3 times a day on the affected areas will remove blackheads.

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