Sunday, October 30, 2011

Winter Skin Care Tips | Winter Skin Remedies

What is Winter Skin:

When you are outside, the cold temperatures result in a poor blood circulation in your facial skin. As a result your skin does not get enough nutrients and oxygen and all the healthy, regenerative processes in your skin slow down. As a result, skin looses its healthy color and becomes dull or pale.


Already the waves of winter are making your skin all dried up that even the lotions and medicines have stopped providing a useful cure. In winters the skin becomes dry and irritated causing eczema.


Here are some skin care tips for making your skin comfortable in winter.

Winter Skin Care Tips:

1. One good option would be to put moisture back into the air. A humidifying system can help your skin remain supple instead of cracked and dry. You can buy a system from your local drug store.

2. Don’t say goodbye to your sunscreen just because summer is over. Before you leave your house, apply a sunscreen with at least an SPF of 15 or more. This will protect your skin from the elements. Alternatively, choose a product can combines a sunscreen with a moisturizer.

3. Applying moisturizer immediately after taking a shower or washing your face will help lock-in moisture.

4. Stash soothing lip balms in your purse, car, and desk to keep lips from chapping. Dr. Shamban says you can also apply few drops of olive oil mixed with few drops of honey to your lips for few minutes to hydrate.


5. Although it doesn’t taste very great flaxseed oil can moisturize your body from the inside. Since it is rich in vital fatty acids it can do a lot for your overall health. It is available in oil form as well as in capsule form.

6. Gloves help in protecting your skin against dryness. Some people believe that if you wear a cotton mitten next to the skin and a woolen mitten over the cotton one, it keeps hands warm and dry.

7. Dr.Shamban says you should never shower, bath or wash your face with extremely hot water. It can not only break the capillaries in the face, but also break down the lipid barriers in the skin, which will lead to a loss of moisture.

8. Besides keeping you warm, a hat will hold in moisture and protect your scalp from dry air and flaking. Make sure your hat is not too tight and made of breathable material.

9. Just because it’s cold out doesn’t mean the sun isn’t strong, especially when it can reflect off snow. Dr. suggests applying an SPF 15-30 to your face (and hands if they’re exposed) about 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply if you’re spending the day outside.

10. Liquid foundation can actually freeze! “One of the benefits of using cream is that it will give your skin an extra protective layer and help keep the moisture in your skin.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hair Straightening Techniques | How to Straighten Hair

Hair Straightening:

Long straight hair, has abundant of advantages. Straight hair can be styled in many ways, goes well with every face cut, looks good on every dress and enhances the features of your face. Thus, hair straightening, is a common practice and hair straighteners are girl's essential companion.


Hair straightening is a hair styling technique which involves the flattening and straightening of hair in order to give it a smooth, streamlined, and 'sleek' appearance. It may be accomplished by using hair irons and hot combs, chemical relaxers.


Hair straightening using straighteners or blowers are the quickest way to get the desired style but at the same time they are hazardous. The heat which they generate can make your hair dry, lead to excess dead hair, damaged hair follicles and be a cause of hair fall.


Hair Straightening Tips:

1. Use a mild shampoo and strong conditioner so that the hair is well protected. You must keep off from any heat styling tools so as to prevent any damage to the hair. Regular deep conditioning of the hair can give it a healthier bounce and shine.

2. Using a microfiber towel, or your regular towel, try to get as much moisture out of your hair as possible.

3. Use one of the blow-dryer extensions so you can put the blow-dryer up closer to the hair and round bristled brush.

4. Who want to add a bit of shine add a drop of silicone serum and watch the tresses bounce. A little care will go a long way in maintaining the straightened tresses.

5. Hot oil treatment is one of the most effective way of soothing the curly and wavy locks. All you need to do is take hot oil in a bowl and apply it all over your hair and scalp. Wrap a shower cap or hot towel on your oiled hair and leave it for 30 minutes before shampooing and conditioning.

6. Milk works wonders on your hair and scalp making your hair soft and straight after repeated usage. First wash your hair thoroughly using a shampoo and dry well. Now pour milk in a spray bottle and spray it all over your locks nicely. Rinse hair with plain lukewarm or cold water and comb them while wet to get a sleeker look.

7. Take coconut milk in a bowl, add a spoon of lemon juice to it and mix well. Refrigerate this mixture for a few hours. Now apply the creamy layer all over your locks. Once done wrap hair in a hot towel. You can also put on a shower cap and then take steam for a few minutes. Wash off your hair after 30 minutes using a mild shampoo to see the difference.

8. Use a little bit of gel or cream or something to keep it straight and non-frizzy.

9. Apply a little bit of straightening gel before blow drying and in between towel drying.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Baldness Treatments | Baldness Cure

What is Baldness:

Common baldness, sometimes called male or female pattern baldness, accounts for 99 percent of hair loss in men and women. Although its exact causes are unknown, heredity, hormones and age are contributing factors. Unlike hair loss resulting from disease or other non-hereditary factors, hair loss due to common baldness is permanent.


Most men and women are faced with hair loss of one degree or another at some point in their lives. Whether it be the threat of severe baldness or simply thinning hair, sufferers know that this condition is no laughing matter.


Baldness Causes:

1. Accumulation of oil or seborrhea on scalp and the blocking of pores where the hair follicles are located.
2. Improper hair care increases the problem.
3. Lack of adequate vitamins and proteins needed for hair growth.
4. Hair loss can be more prevalent when the person is under excessive stress, suffers from anorexia nervosa, or dyes his/her hair.


Baldness Symptoms:

The typical pattern of male baldness begins at the hairline. The hairline gradually recedes to form an "M" shape. The existing hair may become finer and shorter. The hair at the crown also begins to thin. Eventually the top of the hairline meets the thinned crown, leaving a horseshoe pattern of hair around the sides of the head. Hair loss in patches, diffuse shedding of hair, breaking of hair shafts, or hair loss associated with redness, scaling, pain, or rapid progression could be caused by other conditions.


Baldness Remedies:

1. Pomegranate leaves grinder and this paste applied on the scalp regularly helps to overcome baldness problem.

2. Applying Lemon juice on the scalp helps in growing new hairs and thus helps in baldness problem.

3. Amla oil is considered very useful in treating hair loss. Mix equal quantity of fresh amla juice and lime juice and use this as a hair shampoo. It prevents baldness.

4. Banana pulp meshed with Lemon juice applied on the scalp regularly helps to overcome baldness problem.

5 The easiest and the cheapest solution is to grow the remaining hair, and then to restyle it to cover the baldness affected areas.

6. Applying Neem oil the baldy area for some period helps in growing new hairs and thus helps in curing baldness problem.

7. Applying Onion paste regularly on the baldy area helps in growing new hairs and thus helps in curing baldness problem.

8. Mix 4 tbsp of yogurt and 4 tbsp of camphor lotion. Apply it on the head, leave it to soak for 2-3 hours then wash off with lukewarm water.

9. Massaging the scalp with aloe vera gel or coconut milk is effective remedy for hair loss and treating baldness.

10. Mixture of the powder of black pepper, onion and salt is rubbed on the bald patches to check the infection of ringworm.