Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hepatitis C Treatments | Hepatitis C Virus

Hepatitis C Information:

Hepatitis C is one type of hepatitis a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). It usually spreads through contact with infected blood. It can also spread through sex with an infected person and from mother to baby during childbirth.

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An estimated 270-300 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is only known to cause disease in humans. No vaccine against hepatitis C is currently available.

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How it Spreads:

You cannot get hepatitis C from casual contact such as hugging, kissing, sneezing, coughing, or sharing food or water with someone. You can get hepatitis C if you come into contact with the blood of someone who has hepatitis C.

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Hepatitis C Causes:

* Blood transfusions and organ transplants before 1992. Improved blood screening tests became available in 1992. Before that year, it was possible to unknowingly contract hepatitis C through a blood transfusion or organ transplant.

* HCV can also spread through sharing contaminated needles when injecting drugs.

* A small number of babies born to mothers with hepatitis C acquire the infection during childbirth.

* In rare cases, HCV may be transmitted sexually.

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Hepatitis C Symptoms:

At first, hepatitis C does not usually produce any symptoms. When it does, symptoms are typically flu like and can include:

• Mild fatigue

• Achiness in your joints and muscles

• Nausea

• Lack of appetite

• Tenderness in the areas of your liver

As the disease progresses, symptoms may still not appear. When they do, they can include:


• Nausea


• Loss of appetite

Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes)

• Low grade fever (fever up to 102°F)

hepatitis c

Hepatitis C Remedies:

1. Milk thistle has not been found to have a direct effect on the hepatitis C virus. However, several studies have shown that the herb may help ease inflammation associated with hepatitis C, stimulate the growth of liver cells, and protect against damage to liver cells.

2. Preliminary research indicates that glycyrrhizin (a compound extracted from licorice root) may have beneficial effects against hepatitis C.

3. Hepatitis C treatments include taking lots of raw fruits and vegetables. Dark green foods, bitter vegetables, beets and red fruits are especially recommended, partly because they are high in fiber.

4. Another important dietary measure in natural hepatitis C treatment is to increase your intake of fresh juicy fruits and water in order to keep your body dehydrated.

5. Body building exercises are also recommended, though you should not overwork your body. Walking is the best exercise, especially when you conform to a consistent schedule.

6. A few excellent herbs include mushroom, milk thistle, peppers, burdock root, turmeric, green tea, artichoke and sun flower, amongst others. Remember, your body requires a well balanced natural diet and it is important to take in adequate amounts while avoiding excesses.

7. When suffering from hepatitis C, do the responsible thing by covering any cuts and other open sores you may have to prevent it from spreading.

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