Sunday, November 28, 2010

Herpes Treatment | Herpes Remedies

Herpes is a very common skin disease. It's caused by a virus and can affect your mouth (oral) and/or the area around the penis or vagina (genital), upper thighs or buttocks. Most of the time, it is hard to notice herpes, so most people don't know they have it. Cold sores and fever blisters are an example of herpes in your mouth.


The herpes simples virus is easily human transmissible. It is passed from one person to another by close, direct contact. The most common mode of transmission is through vaginal, anal or oral sex. When somebody becomes infected with HSV, it will generally remain dormant.


Herpes Symptoms | Signs of Herpes:

* Swollen lymph glands

* Painful inflamed blisters develop around infected area

* Headache

* Muscle ache

* Fever

* Vaginal or penis discharge

* Infection of the urethra causing a burning sensation during urination

* A burning sensation in the genitals

* Lower back pain

* Small red bumps may appear in the genital area


Herpes Causes:

Herpes is basically caused by two types of viruses. These viruses are known as the herpes simplex virus 1 and the herpes simplex virus 2.


Physical contact with an infected person is primarily the cause of herpes. Sexual intercourse causes genital herpes. If you have sex with an infected person, then there is a great chance that you will also get infected. Oral herpes is also very common among all types of people. Children usually experience oral herpes by having an infected finger then sucking on it.


Herpes Diet:

A healthy diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin B, vitamin C, zinc, iron and lysine is highly recommended for dealing with Herpes outbreaks.


Herpes Remedies:

* The most popular and effective home remedies for herpes is rub ice on the herpes for a few minutes. It would provide instant healing effect.

* Applying Aloe Vera gel on the blisters also provides relief from the herpes.

* Applying carrot extract on the affected area by keeping grated carrots wrapped in a cloth helps in relieving Herpes sores related swelling and pain considerably.

* Prepare black coffee without sugar. After having the coffee, apply the remains in the cup, on the herpes.

* Milk can also be applied, dip or soak ball of cotton in milk and place it on the infected spot.

* Intake a cup of peppermint tea as it would be helpful in lessening the pain and fever.

* Take a tea bag and dip it in a cup of hot water. Apply this warm tea bag on the blisters for half an hour.

* Baking soda is known to relieve skin inflammation such as insect bites. Putting cornstarch or baking soda with cotton ball on the sore or blister area will help calm the itching and soreness.

* Applying a mixture of five drops of eucalyptus oil and the same amount of bergamot oil is useful in healing Herpes sores.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Diarrhea Treatment | Diarrhea Relief

Diarrhea is loose, watery stools. A person with diarrhea typically passes stool more than three times a day. People with diarrhea may pass more than a quart of stool a day. Acute diarrhea is a common problem that usually lasts 1 or 2 days and goes away on its own without special treatment.


Prolonged diarrhea persisting for more than 2 days may be a sign of a more serious problem and poses the risk of dehydration. Chronic diarrhea may be a feature of a chronic disease. The basic physiology of acute diarrhea is simple either not enough fluid is absorbed from the intestines, or the intestines produce too much fluid. The result is a lot more stool liquid then you're used to.


Diarrhea Causes:

Viral infections, parasites or bacterial toxins result in diarrhea. This is usually caused by food poisoning, gastroenteritis, anxiety, excess alcohol, some foods or side effects from certain drugs. Diarrhea causes include unhygienic food, eating with unwashed hands, drinking unsafe water etc. Diarrhea is a viral and bacterial disease which can also be caused by taking milk or yogurt.


Diarrhea Symptoms:

* Abdominal cramps

* Abdominal pain

* An urge to go to the toilet, sometimes this may be sudden

* Vomiting

* Nausea

* Temperature (fever)

* Headache

* Loss of appetite

* Fatigue

* Loose, watery stools

* Bloating

* Blood in stool


Diarrhea Diet:

When it comes to treating or preventing diarrhea, diet is an important factor to consider. During (and shortly after) an acute bout of diarrhea, it's important to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. Recovery from the ailment generally involves avoiding certain foods (such as most dairy products) and eating foods that are easy to digest (such as bananas, plain rice, and toast).


Diarrhea Remedies:

* The simplest remedy is to mix a teaspoon of salt with a teaspoon of sugar in a cup of warm water and sip this slowly.

* Tea: A very effective diarrhea remedy is to consume a strong cup of black tea without sugar.

* Banana: Bananas replace potassium levels which are depleted when you suffer from diarrhea.

* Buttermilk: Buttermilk is a very good diarrhea remedy.

* Grate one raw papaya. Add 3 cups water,boil for 10 mins, strain and finish the water in one day.

* Mint: Mix a teaspoon each of mint, lime juice and honey together. Give this mix three times a day.

* Nutmeg: Swallow a teaspoon of ground nutmeg.

* Orange Juice: Diluting orange juice with some water, and adding some salt to it, makes a hydrating drink.

* Coconut water: This is a very hydrating and restorative drink.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Acidity Treatment

Acidity is the world wide problem causing uneasiness and trouble in the life of people. It relates to the excess secretions of acid and enzymes by glands present in our stomach or more precisely gastric glands.


The stomach normally secretes acid that is essential in the digestive process. This acid helps in breaking down the food during digestion. When there is excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach, it results in the condition known as acidity.


Symptoms of Acidity:

• Long heartburn, chest and stomach pain, gas formation in stomach, inflammation in chest, gastroesophageal reflux.

• Voice change and formation of ulcer in esophagus (tube connecting mouth and stomach), pain during muscular contractions, and pain in ears are some of the symptoms of acidity.

• Patient with hernia are at a risk of developing acid reflux or acidity.

Acidity can affect your daily activity and you face difficulty in swallowing foods. Acidity can exceed up to several months if not treated timely.


Causes of Acidity:

Following are the major acidity causes.

* Sometimes excessive intake of alcohal also leads to acidity.

* Eating foods rich in fats like chocolates also causes acidity.

* Stress is the other main cause.

* Smoking also causes in damaging of stomach lining that leads to acidity.

* Inappropriate sleep.


Remedies for Acidity:

* If you are suffering from acidity, try to suck on a piece of clove. It will bring immediate relief.

* For people who are prone to acidity, intake of milk or other dairy products will prove to be helpful.

* Regular consumption of fresh mint juice can also help you get rid of acidity.

* Banana, cucumber and watermelon have been found to be helpful in treating acidity naturally.

* Drink coconut water 3 to 4 times in a day. It will help bring relief from acidity.

* Raw salad of vegetables like onion, radish should be avoided. this is not a good diet for acidity.

* It's always better to have the dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed.

* Intake of 1-2 tablespoons of white vinegar also provides best acidity treatment.

* Avoid drinking water exactly before and after meals.

* Maintaining healthy lifestyle i.e. early to bed and early to rise reduces risk of secreting excessive acid in stomach.