Monday, September 13, 2010

Treatment for Insomnia | Insomnia Relief

Most adults have experienced insomnia or sleeplessness at one time or another in their lives. An estimated 30%-50% of the general population are affected by insomnia, and 10% have chronic insomnia. Insomnia or commonly called sleeplessness is the inability to get a peaceful sleep at night and often waking up at regular intervals during night. This results in an upset morning with low concentration levels and less energy to carry on the daily responsibilities throughout the day.


Insomnia is defined as difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both, despite adequate opportunity and time to sleep, leading to impaired daytime functioning. Insomnia may be due to poor quality or quantity of sleep.


Types of Insomnia:

There are 3 different types of insomnia.

• Transient lasting from days to weeks caused by severe depression, stress, another disorder and timing of sleep.

• Acute unable to consistently sleep well and lasts from 3 weeks to 6 months.

Chronic insomnia goes on for years. It can be caused by a number of factors.


Insomnia Causes:

* Psychological health problems such as stress, depression, grief or alcoholism.

* Physical health problems such as asthma, pain or menopause symptoms.

* Medicines such as those taken for asthma.

* Jet lag this is a temporary condition that can cause disturbed sleep patterns, digestion problems and a lack of energy (fatigue) following air travel across a number of time zones.

* Environmental factors such as noise, an uncomfortable bed or being too hot or cold.

* Lifestyle habits, for example, not having a regular sleep routine, eating late at night, drinking alcohol or using stimulants such as nicotine.


Insomnia Symptom:

Symptoms of Insomnia vary from person to person. At large they are:

• Dark circle under eyes

• Irritability

• Low energy levels

• Fatigue

• Disorientation


Insomnia Remedies:

* Grind four nutmegs to make a fine powder out of it. Have this powder every night before going to sleep.

* Hot fomentations help to solve the problem of insomnia. Apply hot packs to the spine and have hot foot bath before going to bed.

* Intake a cup of milk with honey. This is effective in curing insomnia.

* Extract fresh juice of Valerian wallichi. Intake 1 tsp of this every night before going to sleep.

* Consuming raw onion salad everyday can solve the problem of sleep.

* Take cabbage juice in your diet as it is helpful in insomnia cure.

* Mix 1 tsp each of juice of celery leaves with stalks and honey. Consume this mixture everyday.

* Take a ripe banana and mash it. Add roasted cumin seeds to it and mix properly. Consume this mashed mix before going to sleep.

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