Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Joint Pain Relief | Joint Pain Treatments

Joint pains can be caused by any number of things. It can be the result of an injury or overuse of the joint. If your joint pain is caused by arthritis, you will need to begin your search for an effective way to treat it. But, in order to do that, you need to know the symptoms of arthritis. All forms of arthritis share the common symptoms of severe pain, loss of range of motion, and a diminished quality of life. What you will find is that this painful, life altering condition can be found in any individual at any time of their lives. But, there are joint pain treatments that can be effective.

Joint Pain Causes:

The cause of arthritis joint pain is unknown, but most scientists believe that heredity and lifestyle choices play a major role.

1. Increased Age: Studies show that your risk of developing joint pain and arthritis goes up as you get older.

2. Gender: You are more likely to develop arthritis if you are female than if you are male. men are less susceptible to osteoarthritis and related conditions.

3. Weight: The heavier you are, the more stress you put on your joints. Therefore, you are more likely to develop a condition than someone who is not putting as much pressure on his or her weight bearing joints.

4. Lifestyle/Work: Heavy lifting can stress joints and lead to joint pain and injury. If your job entails heavy lifting, or if you work out with big weights, you are more apt to develop a joint condition.

Joint Pain Remedies:

* Heat application: Relief of pain may be obtained by applying heat to painful, stiff joint for 20 minutes up to three times a day. Heat increases local blood flow and improves flexibility. Warm towels, hot packs and heating pads may be used.

* Cold therapy: Using cold packs or over the counter cooling sprays may relieve acute pain by numbing nerves around the joint.

* Hydrotherapy: Exercising or relaxing in warm water reduces muscle tension. The water itself takes some weight off painful joints, thereby making exercising easier.

* Supportive devices: Supports like walking sticks may help by taking weight off affected hips. Sleeping on a firm orthopaedic mattress helps ease pain in the spine. Splints and braces provide rest and support to weak and painful joint and must be used only in consultation with your doctor.

* Coping strategies: Relaxation techniques release muscle tension throughout the body. Keep yourself busy but make sure you also find time for yourself. Focus on things you enjoy doing and set yourself small but important goals. Joining a support group may help you avoid isolation.

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